Sunday, December 6, 2009

Add a link to a picture that is covering my extended network in myspace?

I have already covered my extended network successfully with this code:

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

table table table td {vertical-align:top! important;}

span.blacktext12 {

visibility:visible !important;


background-image:url("MY PICTURE URL");


background-position:center center;

font-size:0px; letter-spacing:-0.5px;

width:435px; height:110px; display:block !important; }

span.blacktext12 img {display:none;}


I would like to know how this could be modified so that the picture will also act as a link to another webpage?

Thanks in advance,


Add a link to a picture that is covering my extended network in myspace?

Hmm I'm almost positive you can't link using CSS. CSS is for display only. You obviously can't directly change the HTML code of the page and you can't use JavaScript. I'm not seeing a way to accomplish what you want...although I could be wrong.

Add a link to a picture that is covering my extended network in myspace?

Hey Nate, the solution given had worked initially. But somehow yesterday my banner disappeared? I'm not sure if myspace changed the "extended network" area so that it no longer works with my code or if they just didn't like my self constructed banner ad and disabled it, but it no longer opperates? Report It

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