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How do u make pictures that like u can put a background or write a text on it?
Use "Irfan View". Download it from
and its plugins from
How do u make pictures that like u can put a background or write a text on it?
You cannot write directly on top of a pciture but you can insert picture in a control as a background picture and control should have editing or writing capabilities for example edit box.
use the followinf code
Dim nhdc As Long
dim nDCSource As Long
Dim nhBmp As Long
Dim picture As IPictureDisp
nhdc = GetDC(mytextbox.hwnd)
Set picture = LoadPicture("C:\mypic.bmp")
nDCSource = CreateCompatibleDC(nhdc)
nhBmp = SelectObject(nDCSourcec, picture.Handle)
Call BitBlt(nhdc, 0, 0, mytextbox.Width, mytextbox.Height, nDCSource , 0, 0,
Call SelectObject(nDCSource , nhBmp )
Call ReleaseDC(mytextbox.hwnd, nhdc)
How do u make pictures that like u can put a background or write a text on it?
You can do it with Adobe Photoshop for the expert users and you also can do it with Paint for the beginner. I prefer you to do it in Adobe Photoshop because you will get what you want to design there.
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